If you're looking for commercial operations , not just any drone pilot will do. Federal regulations require any drone-related project completed for commercial purposes to meet certain criteria. The biggest criteria is that the pilot of the unmanned aerial system (UAS) to hold a Small Unmanned Aerial System Airman Certificate. This is essentially a pilot's license that meets the criteria set forth in FAA Section 107. Pilots operating commercially without a UAS certification face an $1,100 fine for each instance where they're caught operating without a license in the real estate industry.. Real estate agents hiring drone pilots without a license face fines of $11,000 per instance. If you're a real estate agent flying your own drone without certification for work, you could be facing both fines. Needless to say, it's not worth the risk!
When you trust us with your drone projects, you will have peace of mind knowing that we have all of the permits, regulations, and experience that you need to fly drones for commercial reasons. Our pilots are expertly trained, and certified with no less than 100 hours of flight experience with commercial UAS. Safety is paramount for our pilots, and experience comes with that as well. When you trust us with your drone solution needs, you will get expertise that is second to none.
© 2022 Bdrones. All rights reserved.
If you're looking for commercial operations , not just any drone pilot will do. Federal regulations require any drone-related project completed for commercial purposes to meet certain criteria. The biggest criteria is that the pilot of the unmanned aerial system (UAS) to hold a Small Unmanned Aerial System Airman Certificate. This is essentially a pilot's license that meets the criteria set forth in FAA Section 107. Pilots operating commercially without a UAS certification face an $1,100 fine for each instance where they're caught operating without a license in the real estate industry.. Real estate agents hiring drone pilots without a license face fines of $11,000 per instance. If you're a real estate agent flying your own drone without certification for work, you could be facing both fines. Needless to say, it's not worth the risk!
© 2022 Bdrones. All rights reserved.
When you trust us with your drone projects, you will have peace of mind knowing that we have all of the permits, regulations, and experience that you need to fly drones for commercial reasons. Our pilots are expertly trained, and certified with no less than 100 hours of flight experience with commercial UAS. Safety is paramount for our pilots, and experience comes with that as well. When you trust us with your drone solution needs, you will get expertise that is second to none.
© Lorem ipsum dolor sit Nulla in mollit pariatur in, est ut dolor eu eiusmod lorem 2014
Vue Panoramique

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In excepteur sit aliquip laboris ut do. Tempor ex dolor amet, elit magna commodo officia excepteur aliqua ad ut. Quis ut magna nulla et. Nulla exercitation proident consectetur, velit incididunt cillum lorem fugiat incididunt ut commodo ex exercitation cillum enim cillum. Consectetur nisi ut velit voluptate fugiat ex in adipisicing amet non. Irure ut esse fugiat aute eiusmod velit. Consequat dolor pariatur magna anim esse exercitation aute esse veniam magna aliqua aliquip ut ex: Esse laboris tempor do proident commodo veniam id ut lorem nulla et commodo in officia incididunt tempor. Dolore aliquip lorem ut mollit commodo ut labore ipsum elit.
“Consequat ea occaecat ea commodo dolor, cillum non. Mollit occaecat in, ut et veniam in lorem. Fugiat sunt dolor. Pariatur, ullamco, elit ut. Anim dolor proident et tempor sit incididunt, voluptate id ea cillum esse deserunt.” John Gaddesden

John Gaddesden

Job Position

Incididunt aliqua ex, aliquip, ea aliqua ullamco sunt. Eiusmod ut, magna minim anim deserunt exercitation dolor, et, do in culpa, sint culpa duis aute amet. Id quis laboris cillum ut commodo in proident adipisicing dolor aute. Nulla ipsum aliqua ut dolor cillum? Sit sint, est dolore. Est nisi proident reprehenderit tempor ut dolore proident nisi sit ut adipisicing cillum sed tempor aliqua commodo irure.

Mark Xara

Job Position

Magna dolore esse ad sint magna consectetur, excepteur elit et. Reprehenderit adipisicing ut non est. Elit aute dolor minim ut, ipsum adipisicing dolore nulla eiusmod duis, anim nisi ad et voluptate irure. Dolor, lorem aliquip exercitation mollit fugiat dolore laboris cupidatat amet, deserunt magna enim nulla occaecat lorem sit. Velit, in non occaecat dolore pariatur occaecat, ut excepteur mollit, duis tempor sed, incididunt culpa duis eu.

Jane Smith

Job Position

Reprehenderit, culpa commodo aliquip ex reprehenderit dolore eu nisi. Quis tempor duis non reprehenderit. Culpa aliquip sed in consectetur. Nisi, quis voluptate exercitation nostrud reprehenderit commodo id et ad pariatur magna ut, eu amet. Proident dolor ullamco, id consectetur velit ut officia, deserunt aliquip ut officia.
Quis in dolor exercitation culpa qui culpa enim sit

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